COLUMBUS, Ohio – On June 3, 2015, the National Pollinator Garden Network (NPGN), an unprecedented collaboration of national, regional, conservation and gardening groups, launched the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. This is a strategic effort to promote and protect the needs of pollinators in North America.
In the fall of 2014, AmericanHort and seven other organizations were convened to propose public/private sector efforts to help restore critical pollinator populations in support of the U.S. Federal Government's strategy to “Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators.” AmericanHort and the other organizations are the founding partner members of the NPGN.
The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge (MPGC), is the Network's new campaign to register a million public and private gardens and landscapes to support pollinators. The diverse groups behind the campaign understand and agree that pollinators including honey bees, bumblebees, other native bees, butterflies and others face complex threats. Some pollinators, including the iconic migrant Monarch butterfly, have steeply declined. More nectar and pollen sources provided by flowering plants and trees will help to improve their health and numbers. Increasing the number of pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes will support the health of bees, butterflies, birds, bats and other pollinators across the country.
The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge mobilizes America's extensive gardening community, including commercial growers, retailers and landscapers, and supports them in making more native and non-invasive pollen and nectar producing plants available in gardens of any size, from a window garden or patio box to a large-scale landscape. When a new garden has been established, or pollinator-supporting plants are added to an existing garden or landscape, the MPGC urges that the garden be registered on the SHARE Map site, hosted by the Pollinator Partnership.
“AmericanHort is thrilled to help launch the Network and the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge,” said Mark Foertmeyer, Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse, Delaware, Ohio, and chairman of the board of AmericanHort. “As both seasoned and new gardeners step up to do their part, they are going to need plants, seeds and expertise. Our member garden retail, landscape and grower professionals are here to help.”